White georgian tea 'Farmer's' 50g


In appearance: large brown-green tea leaves with thin stems. The fragrance is restrained, herbaceous. The liquor is transparent, with a shade of white grapes.

The bouquet of the ready-made tea is fresh, herbaceous with minty, berry and apple notes. The aroma is tender, herbaceous. The taste is clean, smooth and sweet, a bit spicy, with a berry sourness, minty coolness and a refreshing finish.

Steep the tea in a hot water (87-92°C) in a gaiwan or in a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 6 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is 30 seconds. After that, starting with an exposure of 20 seconds and increasing the time to 3 minutes, you can steep the tea 6 times.

White Georgian tea "Farmer's" is the right choice to refresh your body and mind.