Menghai Gushu Sheng Cha (2004), aged sheng puer

1 s 95°C 5 g

“Ancient Trees of Menghai", harvest 2004. Taiwanese storage.

In appearance: 352 g teacake of medium density, broken effortlessly with fingers into large lengthwise twisted brown leaves and buds with thin stems. The aroma is mature, fruity with woody accent. The infusion is transparent, amber colour.

The brewed tea has mature, multifaceted bouquet with notes of old dry wood and scented herbs, oak moss and camphor, dried fruits and berries. The aroma is deep and complex, fruity. The taste is rich and smooth, sweetish, with delicate tartness and light lemon acidity, transforming into lingering finish.

Brew tea with hot water (95°C) in a gaiwan or in a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 5 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is about 5 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 1-2 seconds), increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can steep the tea up to 12 times.

“Ancient Trees of Menghai" is an excellent collection example of aged Puer: rich, mature flavour and deep, meditative effect.