"Hyperlistening team" Мeeting with the participants of Tropos 004 release Franciszo Lopez, Barbara Elysson, German Popov, Evelina Domnich and Dmitry Gelfand.
Amsterdam branch: http://moychay.nl
International Support Line & worldwide FREE delivery: club@moychay.nl
Telegram Support Line: @moychayfirstofficer
00:00:00 Introduction. Who is Francisco Lopez?
00:02:36 Francisco's Hyper rainforest piece. Mixing the sounds of nature and music
00:08:15 The importance of the sound quality
00:10:42 Extending the possibilities of vinyl in music
00:13:40 Sonic objects
00:17:53 The notion of hyperlistening
00:19:36 Quasi periodicity & Repeating sounds
00:25:43 OMFO's latest recordings
00:27:40 Tea and the sounds of nature
00:29:58 Emelina Domnich's work and contribution to the release project
00:34:20 Emelina's Hawaii project