The Rise of Online Tea Experts
I’d like to take a moment to discuss online tea experts—a unique subset of tea enthusiasts who drink a lot of tea (not necessarily, but mostly), both high-quality and mediocre, read extensively about it, and believe they have acquired deep expertise in the field. In general, this kind of dedication is admirable. Every niche culture has people who delve deeply into their chosen subject, aiming for a serious and thorough understanding.
When Theoretical Knowledge Falls Short
However, the issue arises when these individuals, lacking professional education and, sometimes, even practical experience, begin to form strong opinions about tea production, processing, and history without ever having actually made tea themselves or spent significant time with those who have dedicated their lives to it. The absence of hands-on knowledge often leads to misinterpretations, overconfidence in theoretical facts, and detachment from the material reality of tea production.
It can sometimes be disheartening to read discussions in which purely theoretical knowledge is presented as absolute fact, and while I don’t always have the time to engage in every debate, I wanted to share my thoughts on this.
The Issue of Judging Tea Production by Taste and Appearance
A common example is when people attempt to deduce tea-making techniques based solely on a tea’s taste or appearance. While sensory evaluation is undoubtedly an important skill, making definitive claims about the exact processing method just from tasting is problematic.
Who Is Truly Qualified to Discuss Processing?
The only people truly qualified to speak about a tea’s processing in absolute terms are:
The tea makers themselves—those who physically processed the leaves.
Those who personally know the producers and can verify the information.
Trained tea technologists who specialize in tea processing science.
Even among professional tea technologists, errors and misinterpretations can occur. So when someone without technical expertise, factory experience, or direct knowledge of production methods starts making strong claims about a tea’s processing, they are essentially making assumptions.
Misuse of Terminology: Baking vs. Roasting
Another recurring issue is the misuse of terminology, particularly when discussing oolong tea production. Recently, I came across a discussion with a friend where people were incorrectly referring to the final baking stage (焔火, Bèihuǒ) of Wuyi Yancha as “roasting”.
Many tea enthusiasts use the word “roasting” to describe the final treatment of Wuyi oolong tea, saying things like “light roast,” “medium roast,” and “heavy roast.”
However, this is incorrect terminology. The proper English translation of 焔火 (Bèihuǒ) is “baking,” not “roasting.”
焔火 (Hóngbèi or Bèihuǒ) is the controlled slow heat treatment of tea leaves, similar to baking rather than roasting.
The true final step after baking is resting (退火, Tuìhuǒ)—letting the tea sit for several months to allow the baked flavors to stabilize.
Some people insist on calling Bèihuǒ “roasting,” but this is a misinterpretation of the process. Roasting implies high-temperature, direct heat exposure, whereas Bèihuǒ involves slow, indirect heat applied over long periods.
This is just one example of how theoretical knowledge without practical experience can lead to inaccuracies.
Oxidation vs. Fermentation: A Common Misconception
A similar case is the confusion between oxidation and fermentation.
Oxidation refers to enzymatic browning processes in tea leaves, particularly in oolongs, black (red) tea types.
Tea fermentation is a multi-layered biochemical process involving enzymatic oxidation, microbial metabolism, and chemical polymerization.
Saying “tea is oxidized, not fermented” oversimplifies the reality, because while oxidation is a major factor, fermentation can involve more complex biochemical changes beyond oxidation alone.
Why Practical Experience Matters
I don’t claim to be a professional tea technologist, but having spent months on tea farms and in tea factories across different countries, managing tea production, and even developing custom processing techniques, I can confidently say that practical knowledge is essential.
Anyone who wants to speak authoritatively about tea production should visit tea factories, observe the process firsthand, and talk to actual tea makers and technologists.
Every tea region has its own unique approach to processing.
A tea factory is essentially a kitchen, where techniques can vary widely.
The correct terminology depends on the origin of the tea.
Regional Context Matters
For example:
When discussing Chinese tea, we should use Chinese terminology and refer to Chinese tea masters and processing descriptions.
When discussing Japanese tea, the source of knowledge should be Japanese tea producers. (I personally don’t specialize in Japanese tea, so I wouldn’t comment on it.)
When discussing Indian tea, we should look at Indian tea production methods and terminology.
The key takeaway is this: tea knowledge should always be rooted in primary sources from the country of origin. If you want to understand how a tea is made, you should refer to the people who actually make it.
Beyond Forums: The Need for Grounded Discussion
Online discussions often suffer from theoretical speculation that lacks grounding in practical experience. While it’s great that people are passionate about tea, they should also be open to learning from real-world experience, direct observation, and professional knowledge from industry experts.
At the end of the day, tea is not just theory—it’s a craft, an art, and a hands-on science. Those who truly want to understand it should engage with it beyond books and forums—they should go to the source.

Bonus: Articles on Tea Processing and Terminology
Traditional Wuyi Rock Oolong (Yancha) Processing Steps
The production of Wuyi Rock Oolong Tea (Yancha, 武夷岩茶) follows a meticulous, multi-step process that balances oxidation and roasting to achieve its signature rich, complex flavor. Here is a complete breakdown of the stages:
Harvesting (采採 - C ǎizhāi)
Tea leaves are handpicked from the rocky cliffs of the Wuyi Mountains, usually in spring (April-May) or autumn (September-October).
The ideal plucking standard is one bud with 2-3 mature leaves, ensuring both tenderness and sufficient polyphenols for processing.
Withering (萎凋 - Wĕidiāo)
Fresh leaves are spread out under sunlight (outdoor withering) for 1-3 hours, depending on weather conditions.
After sun-withering, the leaves are moved indoors for further controlled withering on bamboo trays, reducing moisture content and enhancing aroma.
Tossing & Bruising (做青 - Zuòqīng)
Leaves are shaken or tossed in bamboo tumblers (Yáolǃn, 摆篮) to bruise the edges, triggering controlled oxidation.
This process breaks the leaf cells, allowing enzymes to interact with oxygen, creating the tea’s characteristic floral and fruity notes.
The process is repeated several times over 4-12 hours, alternating between resting periods and further agitation.
Fixation / Kill-Green (杀青 - Shāqīng)
Leaves are heated in large woks (250-280°C) for 5-15 minutes to halt oxidation.
This locks in the tea’s aromatic compounds while preserving its structure and preventing over-oxidation.
Rolling (揉捻 - Róuni ǎn)
The softened leaves are rolled and twisted using either traditional hand-rolling or mechanical rolling.
This process shapes the leaves and enhances the release of essential oils, further intensifying the tea’s fragrance.
Primary Drying (初焘 - Chūbièi)
The tea is partially dried at low temperatures (100-120°C) using charcoal roasting or hot-air drying.
This removes excess moisture but maintains flexibility for later roasting.
Sorting (分筛 - Fēnshāi)
The leaves are sorted based on size, shape, and quality.
Stems and uneven leaves are removed to ensure uniformity in roasting and flavor.
Baking (焔火 - Bèihuǒ)
Wuyi Yancha undergoes a traditional charcoal baking process, which enhances its deep, layered aroma and signature rock tea character.
Baking is done in several rounds over weeks or months at temperatures ranging from 100°C to 140°C.
The degree of baking varies:
Light baking (Qīnghuǒ, 轻火) – More floral and fresh.
Medium baking (Zhōnghuǒ, 中火) – Balanced, complex, with deeper roasted sweetness.
Heavy baking (Zhònghuǒ, 重火) – Rich, caramelized, with intense minerality.
Some producers use electric baking for consistency, but traditional charcoal baking in clay ovens is considered superior for developing depth of flavor.
Resting (退火 - Tuìhuǒ)
After roasting, the tea is allowed to rest for weeks to months in sealed clay or bamboo containers.
This stage allows the smoky, roasted notes to mellow and integrate, resulting in a smoother, more refined taste.

Key Stages in Tea Processing & Common Misconceptions
1. 杀青 (Shāqīng) – "Kill-Green" (Fixation)
A crucial step in green tea and some oolongs where enzymes responsible for oxidation are deactivated by heating. This prevents further oxidation, preserving the green color and fresh taste.
Pan-firing (炒青, chǃoqīng) – Wok-roasting, common in Longjing (龙井).
Steaming (蒸青, zhēngqīng) – Traditional in Japanese green teas like Sencha. → Common confusion: Mistaken for a roasting step, but it is about halting oxidation.
2. 晒青 (Shàiqīng) – "Sun-Withering"
Reduces moisture content before further processing. Common in puer and some oolongs. → Common confusion: Believed to be universal, but used selectively.
3. 晒干 (Shàigān) – "Sun-Drying"
Fully dries the leaves under sunlight. Essential in sheng Pu-erh. → Common confusion: Mixed up with shàiqīng, though it's a full drying step.
4. 烘干 (Hōnggān) – "Hot-Air Drying"
Controlled drying using heated air. Common in modern production. → Common confusion: Assumed all teas are sun-dried.
5. 初焘 (Chūbièi) – "First Roasting"
Used in oolongs to remove moisture and develop aroma. → Common confusion: Mistaken for Shāqīng.
6. 炒青 (Ch ǎoqīng) – "Wok-Firing"
A type of Shāqīng used in wok-fired teas like Longjing. → Common confusion: Confused with roasting (烘焘, Hōngbèi).
Additional Key Terms
萎凋 (Wĕidiāo) – Withering
揉捻 (Róuniǃn) – Rolling
发酵 (Fājiào) – Fermentation
熟化 (Shúhà) – Post-Fermentation (used in aging processes for puer and heicha)