Georgian Red Tea, Guria, Ozurgeti (Moychay production, summer 2024) 50g

20 s 95°C 6 g

Georgian Red Tea (Guria, Ozurgeti): A Sweet and Delicate Black Tea

This Georgian Red Tea, crafted in the Guria region of Ozurgeti by Moychay’s tea plantation, offers a unique and gentle take on black tea. With less rolling and oxidation during production, this tea emphasizes natural sweetness, minimal bitterness, and a nuanced, fruity flavor profile. Its light character and dessert-like qualities make it a delightful choice for any tea enthusiast.



Leaf Appearance and Aroma

  • Leaves: Lightly rolled, with a visibly less oxidized appearance.
  • Dry Aroma: Sweet and fruity, with prominent notes of cherry and plum, complemented by hints of dessert chocolate.
  • Heated Leaves: The cocoa-chocolate character intensifies.
  • Wet Leaves: Fruity aromas return with greater intensity, creating a balanced and inviting fragrance.

Flavor Profile

  • Taste:
    • Sweet and delicate, with a fruity-fructose sweetness and almost no bitterness.
    • Slight bitterness may emerge with stronger brewing but remains mild and nutty, akin to the bitterness of nuts.
  • Aromas:
    • Predominantly cherry, plum, and cocoa-chocolate notes.
    • Subtle nutty undertones and hints of honey and licorice in the background and aftertaste.
  • Consistency: Slightly thick and soft, providing a smooth and pleasant mouthfeel.

Tea Details

  • Origin: Georgia, Guria region, Ozurgeti town
  • Year: Summer 2024
  • Type: Red (Black) Tea

Brewing Instructions

Western Brewing

  • Temperature: 96°C
  • Tea-to-Water Ratio: 5–6g per 250ml
  • Steeping Times:
    1. First infusion: 2 minutes
    2. Second infusion: 3 minutes
    3. Third infusion: 5 minutes

Gongfu Brewing

  • Temperature: 96°C
  • Tea-to-Water Ratio: 5–6g per 100ml
  • Steeping Process:
    1. First Infusion: Brew for 30 seconds.
    2. Subsequent Infusions: Add 15–20 seconds for each additional steeping.

Brewing Notes: Due to its light character, we recommend using more leaves and longer brewing times to enhance the flavor.


Why Choose Georgian Red Tea?

This tea’s natural sweetness, light character, and fruity cherry and plum aromas make it a standout among black teas. The gentle production process brings out subtle notes of cocoa, nuts, and honey, offering a refined and versatile tea perfect for any occasion.